To Get a Coach or Not to Get a Coach: Is That the Question?

CoachingThe beginning of the year is usually a time when people make firm resolutions in the hope of bringing about effective change in their lives. But fostering change and growth in adult life takes time and requires ongoing support to ensure that it lasts.

The use of coaching as a major developmental practice in personal and professional life has undergone a dramatic transformation in the past twenty years. In the 90s, working with a coach was often perceived as an admission of incompetence. Today leaders and top performers seek professional coaches to help them fine-tune their competencies and frequently use coaching as a leadership development tool. In fact, coaching is even perceived as a skill leaders themselves can learn to improve their communication and relationships with their direct reports.

So what can a coach do for you?

A qualified coach will help you identify the goals and changes you want to achieve this year and provide the ongoing support required to ensure that they last. A coach will also offer valuable insight into what it will take to meet those goals. Moreover, a professional coach will present an impartial, objective view and suggest the necessary adjustments needed to see things through. Finally, a coach will ensure that your values and behaviors are aligned with the objectives you have set for yourself.

If you are eager to break new ground in 2012, both professionally and personally, enlisting the help of a professional coach could be the answer.
