Hello everyone,
As Spring decided to make its appearance in a snowy white coat, I thought about celebrating Easter in a warmer climate this year and will be heading to Zagreb over Easter weekend.
Managing versus Coaching?
Managingis the art of leveraging the skills of your staff to maximise results.
Coachingis the art of helping people access their own resources to achieve their own goals and objectives.
Through coaching, a person can better identify the following:
Desires, Wants and Needs- A coach opens up new perspectives on the situation, allowing the coachee to identify a “perceived need” from a “true need.”
Strengths- A coach helps the coachee to uncover hidden strengths.
Blocks- What concerns, behaviours or fears are keeping the coachee from taking action?
Missing Elements-What needs to be present in order for the coachee to achieve his goals?
Tools- What can the coachee use to motivate himself and his staff to take on increased challenges?
By shifting their focus from what is not working to how to recognise and build on what is working, the coachee learns to identify opportunities for improvement, to look within for solutions to problems and to take responsibilities for his or her actions.
Coaching benefits:
Improves overall communication
Focuses on developing individual skills
Increases team effectiveness
Provides additional support for managers
Enhances organizational skills
March 8thGuest speaker on the radio Uzbek World Women show for the March 8th
Women’s day
March 9thGuest speaker on the radio Kyrgyz Women Show for the March 8thWomen’s
March 17thEffective Communication Workshop: When Words Collide
March 27thPrague All Stars play in the semi-final of their 4th ISL Tournament
April 21stEffective Communication Workshop: Man is what he believes- Anton Chekov
Communication Tip of the Month
The carrot or the stick, pain or pleasure — what motivates you?
Motivation is the force that stimulates, persuades, and leads us to act.
In Europe and in the States, there are two basic tools used to motivate employees: Money and Benefits serve as the reward; Loss of a job as the punishment.
Fear of punishment and the resulting loss of job, is expected to motivate employees to perform better. Due to the economic crisis during the 90’s, Europe faced one of its worst unemployment crises. Europeans realised more than ever that if it is difficult to cope with a lack of money, a lack of professional activity is often harder to handle.
Europeans came to Eastern Europe with their own references, and assumed that what seemed to work in the West would work in the East. They assumed that by offering “good” salaries and “good” benefits to their Czech employees, the employees would be motivated to work hard and would therefore perform within the Westerners standards and expectations. And, when the rewards were insufficient motivation, the spectre of unemployment dangling in front of the employees would do the trick.
Yet, despite all the motivation seminars and lectures we have attended, and the great management gurus we have followed, we haven’t come up with anything better than motivation by fear as a final resort!!
Ironically, of all the “fears” the Communists left behind in the Czech Republic, job-loss isn’t one of them. Until recently, Czechs were not afraid of losing their jobs, nor of being fired for poor work performance. Rather, Czech employees were more inclined to fire “You, The Manager” by quitting when they didn’t like your management style.
For a manager, motivation is the ability to prompt others to perform those tasks or behaviours that serve our purpose, i.e. that serve our company’s objectives. The challenge is to communicate our purpose to the other person in such a way that he/she is propelled to take action that will benefit us.
Here are some useful points to remember when you wish to motivate someone to do something which serves your purpose or objective:
Be clear and specific about the purpose/objective itself
Communicate the purpose in the “language” of the person you want to motivate
Check to see that your “purpose” doesn’t conflict with the person’s personal values & beliefs system
Communicate the “benefits” the person will get by doing what you want him/her to do.
Until next month,