Happy Seasonal Changes

Tree showing seasonal changeIt’s barely the beginning of November, and just when we thought fall was is in full swing, with its variation of sunny and grayish days, we got a little white notice that winter is on the way. Each seasonal change reminds me of the impermanence of life. And while most of us welcome the change of seasons, how many of us are really comfortable with changes in our lives?

Every end of the year confirms that I am getting older and that my body is not as strong and eager to go running at in the morning like it used to when I was 30 years old. And when change happens, as it always does, I sometimes feel uncomfortable and unsure about myself.

Personally, I don’t miss being 30 or 40 years old. But I do remember important changes in my life, like moving from Paris to NYC and then to Prague, or losing a job, or not getting the raise I was hoping for – situations where I wasn’t sure who I was anymore.

There was a time when I identified closely with my professional activities, a time when being perceived as a competent, reliable and successful manager were a big part of how I saw myself and how others saw me. And while these characteristics made me feel good about myself, it took a few drastic changes to finally understand that they didn’t define me as me.

After many successes and failures, I learned to recognize that there was something deeper within me that is my unchanging, true, authentic Inner Self. And when I am able to connect to my Inner Self – which is more than just my physical appearance or my professional achievements – I become less affected by all the changes around me. The more connected I am with my Inner Self, the less I am affected by the inevitable changes which are impacting my Outer Self, such as the change of seasons, the economic crisis, trouble in the world, etc.

The ability to discern what belongs to the Inner Self versus the Outer Self is crucial to feeling centered and grounded. Focusing on our connection to our Inner Self will help us manage the inevitable changes of the Outer Self.

Now, instead of complaining about how quickly the year goes by, and how old I will soon be (my birthday is on the last day of the year), I keep in mind that each season is an opportunity to appreciate what defines my Inner Self and to be less bothered by the changes that are beyond my control. And I look forward to the next seasonal change.

Wishing you happy seasonal changes.
