February 2002

“As CEO of General Electric for the past 20 years, he has built its market cap by more than $450 billion and established himself as the most admired business leader in the world”

In his biography Jack Welch shares his experiences and memories in a very inspirational way. In a world where emotions are mostly denied or avoided, here is one of the most respected US business leaders admitting that emotions are a big part of business and sharing with us how he uses emotions in his management of people and running of the company.

One of the ways Jack Welch managed to balance his emotions with his objectives was by “focusing to get the job done”.

Effective Communication Strategies

The next Effective Communication seminar will be February 23rd and will look at our Emotions and Focusing.

The last seminar “Managing your Emotions” highlighted the impact of our emotions on our communication and how emotions can affect the way we manage people; this upcoming seminar will address the importance of focus and how focusing can help us leverage our emotions to get things done.

Look for a separate mailing with more information about this next month.


February 4th WIB -Women in Business dinner
February 8th Cancham Financial Seminar/Wine & Cheese
February 13th/20th/27th Biljana Pelic Music Workshops
February 23rd Effective Communication Strategies workshop

Communication Tip of the Month:

Desires focus attention

Emotions are an internal compass that points us toward the actions we must take to arrive at our goals. As human beings we are goal oriented and we are motivated by our desires and passions.

And desires focus attention!

Focus is first achieved by spontaneous interest, not by forced attention. When we are connected to our own desires we focus easily and effortlessly.

Without desire or when subject to conflicting desires, we feel that we have to force ourselves to stay focused.

We attain a natural and relaxed focus when our self-interest is absorbed in the task at hand and we are connected with our true motivations.

Focus can easily be achieved when we are doing something we have freely chosen to do. It is the result of our motivation being lined up behind what we are doing.

We do our best when we are focused, but losing focus hinders our performance

By understanding that what we think affects how we feel which then determines our actions, we can choose what will support our desires and help us reach our goals.

Are you aware of the importance of focus in your life?

Yours truly,Karin
