Happy New Year: The Year of the Horse

Chinese New Year 2014In Chinese astrology, the Year of the Horse commences on January 31st 2014.

One of the many legends around the Chinese Lunar New Year proclaims that Buddha asked all the animals in the universe to meet him on Chinese New Year. Twelve came, and for each, he named a year. Buddha then announced that the people born in each animal’s year would display aspects of that animal’s characteristic traits. Those born in the year of the horse are typically cheerful, skilled with money, perceptive, witty, talented and dexterous.

Today the Chinese associate the horse with travelling and consider it a reliable indicator of success to follow. The spirit of the horse prompts unremitting effort and drive towards improvement.

New Year is usually a time when people make firm resolutions in the hope of bringing about effective change in their lives.

Chinese New Year offers you a unique opportunity to identify your goals and learn about the strategies you can implement to achieve them – and continue to develop them.

The spirit of the horse prompts unremitting effort to improve yourself; may it help you make 2014 the year when you see those firm resolutions through to a rewarding and sustainable end.

Let’s harness the spirit of the Green Horse to improve ourselves, our lives and our world in 2014.
